1. 1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Board of Directors
    2. 1.2 Statement by the Chair of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Executive Board

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1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Board of Directors

D.V. Krainsky

The Chair of the Board of Directors Of OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals



Dear shareholders, investors and partners,


Analyzing the FY2021financial year 2021 performance, it should be noted that the past year became a period when the Board of Directors and management of the Company tested their management skills in present-day complex economic reality. Through sequential and efficient decisions of the Board of Directors and management team, the Company has restored the growth of its key financial figures and reached sustainable financial and economic results. Company’s FY2021financial year 2021 net income has reached its absolute historical peak of RUBruble 5.1 billion.

In 2021, the Company has accomplished all targets related to provision of reliable electricity supply in the service area and achieved its strategic goal to supply economic entities of the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Perm region with faultless and high-quality electricity. The Company completed all targets related to new construction, reconstruction and retrofitting of existing grid facilities, investing over RUBruble 13 billion in the development of the grid complex on its service area.

To strengthen its technological leadership, Rosseti Ural continued to develop technologies and implement innovative solutions in the networks of the Urals region, where the largest industrial enterprises of the country are concentrated. Here we talk about commissioning of retrofitted highly automated main substations, new approaches to network management, solutions enhancing infrastructure reliability and reducing maintenance costs.

We also made a serious progress in the improvement of customer services. In 2021, Rosseti Ural implemented a large-scale program focused on enhancing availability of services for customers, fostering online communications with various customer categories, providing rapid responses to customers’ challenges and full-scale feedback on its operations. The Company has proved once again that it is a reliable partner and leader of the Urals energy sector.

I am sure there is a new working phase waiting ahead, more interesting and intensive, and the employees and management team will successfully cope with any external challenges appearing on the way.


Best regards,

The Chair of the Board of Directors

D.V. Krainsky