1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Development of the Grid Complex
      3. 3.2.3 Connection
      4. 3.2.4 Electricity Transmission
      5. 3.2.5 Additional (non-tariff) services
      6. 3.2.6 Consumer liaison
      7. 3.2.7 Key RAS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Key IFRS metrics
      9. 3.2.9 Tariff Policy
      10. 3.2.10 Investments
      11. 3.2.11 Innovations
      12. 3.2.12 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program

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3.2.9 Tariff Policy

Electricity transmission tariffs

In 2021, the regulators applied the return on invested capital method (RABregulatory asset base) to Sverdlovenergo and method of long-term indexation of the gross revenue requirement (INDEX) to Permenergo and Chelyabenergo.


Permenergo INDEX 5 years (2018-2022)
Sverdlovenergo RABregulatory asset base 13 years (2011-2023)
Chelyabenergo INDEX 5 years (2018-2022)

Uniform (“pie”) tariffs comprise expenses of all grid companies operating in the region to be annually prescribed for the next year during the long-term regulation period. Pursuant to existing tariff regulation laws, a gross revenue requirement is subject to annual fine-tuning, adjusted for changed real and target calculations, executed investment program and achieved reliability and quality of service indicators. Uniform (“pie”) electricity transmission tariffs to be enforced in 2021 were approved by the tariff decisions of the relevant regional regulators[21-23]:

Uniform (“pie”) electricity transmission tariffs for 2021 were set by the regulators of the Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions in line with the FASFederal Antimonopoly Service-approved minimum and maximum levels of tariffs. Uniform (“pie”) electricity transmission tariffs for 2021 in the Perm region were set by the regulator above maximum levels of tariffs[24].

OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ GRRgross revenue requirement composition and its YoYyear on year changes*

* Information hereof complies with the 2019-2021 tariff model, used by the regulators in setting of the 2019-2021 tariffs for electricity transmission.

Key factors that changed the “pie” gross revenue requirement in 2021 are:

2019 2020 2021 2021/2020, % Explanations on 2021/2020 changes
Electricity transmission GRRgross revenue requirement approved in the tariffs, incl: 20,813 21,861 22,738 104.01% Growth of unified (pie) tariffs
GRRgross revenue requirement for own needs 9,668 10,351 10,544 101.86%
Payments to FSK UESFederal Grid Company of United Energy System 3,266 3,354 3,376 100.66% Growth of UNESunited national energy system tariffs
Loss compensation 4,796 4,943 5,164 104.47% Growth of loss purchase price
Payments to RGOsregional grid operators (in line with the contracts) 3,083 3,213 3,654 113.73% Growth of individual tariffs for RGOsregional grid operators
Electricity transmission GRRgross revenue requirement approved in the tariffs, incl: 36,386 37,852 39,332 103.91% Growth of unified (pie) tariffs
GRRgross revenue requirement for own needs 10,413 11,351 11,868 104.55%
Payments to FSK UESFederal Grid Company of United Energy System 7,983 7,894 7,833 99.23% Reduction of contracted capacity of UNESunited national energy system services
Loss compensation 4,390 4,915 5,214 106.08% Growth of loss purchase price
Payments to RGOsregional grid operators (in line with the contracts) 13,600 13,692 14,417 105.30% Growth of individual tariffs for RGOsregional grid operators
Electricity transmission GRRgross revenue requirement approved in the tariffs, incl: 22,505 22,504 23,460 104.25% Growth of unified (pie) tariffs
GRRgross revenue requirement for own needs 7,593 7,754 9,285 119.74% Acceptance of grid assets from other RGOsregional grid operators  
Payments to FSK UESFederal Grid Company of United Energy System 5,321 5,358 4,542 84.77% Reduction of contracted capacity of UNESunited national energy system services
Loss compensation 3,604 4,693 5,055 107.71% Growth of loss purchase price and growth of normative losses
Payments to RGOsregional grid operators (in line with the contracts) 5,987 4,699 4,578 97.42% Acceptance of grid assets from other RGOsregional grid operators  

Analysis of revisions of the average electricity transmission tariff (adjusted for net supply on generator voltage level), RUBruble / kWhkilowatt-hour*

2019 2020 2021
Permenergo 1.356 1.425 1.482
Sverdlovenergo 1.283 1.357 1.402
Chelyabenergo 1.473 1.463 1.516
TOTAL 1.351 1.402 1.453
Growth, % 3.6% 3.8% 3.6%
* Information hereof complies with the 2019-2021 tariff model, used by the regulators in setting of the 2019-2021 tariffs for electricity transmission.

Technological connection fee

Pursuant to the Guidelines on calculating a connection fee[25] the regulators of the Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions have set the 2021 standardized tariff rates (Section II of the Guidelines), maximum capacity unit rates (Section III of the Guidelines) and connection fee formulas.

The regulators have set a RUBruble 550.0 (plus VATvalue-added tax) connection fee for all Company’s branches to be applied to applicants, requesting connection of grid equipment with the capacity of 0-15 kW inclusive (incl. previously connected capacity at the point), when facilities, referred to the 3rd reliability category (from one source of electricity supply), are connected, provided that the distance between the boundaries of an applicant’s land plot and Company’s facilities at 20 kVkilovolt inclusive does not exceed 300 m in urban areas (cities and small towns) and 500 m in rural areas

The 2020 connection fees were approved by the regional regulators[26-28]:

Company’s average connection fee per maximum capacity unit, as compared to 2020, increased in 2021 mainly due to rate indexation, changes of structure of revenues from connection resulting from changes in the number of connection contracts and volumes of connected capacity per one connection. Reduction of average standardized rate for execution of organizational and technical measures is influenced by reduced standardized tariff rates S1 for the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions.

During 2021, the Company decided to connect 3 facilities to the network under individual projects:


MU 2019 2020 2021 2021/2020, %
Electricity transmission GRRgross revenue requirement approved in the tariffs, incl: RUBruble million 79.704 82.217 85.530 104.03%
GRRgross revenue requirement for own needs RUBruble million 27.674 29.456 31.697 107.61%
Payments to FSK UESFederal Grid Company of United Energy System RUBruble million 16.570 16.606 15.751 94.85%
Loss compensation RUBruble million 12.790 14.551 15.433 106.06%
Payments to RGOsregional grid operators (in line with the contracts) RUBruble million 22.670 21.604 22.649 104.84%
“Pie” net supply Million kWhkilowatt-hour 58.986 58.632 58.868 100.40%
Average transmission tariff (breakdown by branches) RUBruble / kWhkilowatt-hour 1.351 1.402 1.453 103.61%
Average connection fee per capacity unit * RUBruble / kW 3.446 3.061 3.258 6.4%
Average connection fee С1** RUBruble per one connection 17.606 18.040 16.846 -6.6%
* Average connection fee per capacity unit is computed using 3-year average of connection volumes and approved rates for a corresponding year.
** Average connection fee C1 per one connection is computed using 3-year average of number of connection contracts and approved rates for a corresponding year.