1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Development of the Grid Complex
      3. 3.2.3 Connection
      4. 3.2.4 Electricity Transmission
      5. 3.2.5 Additional (non-tariff) services
      6. 3.2.6 Consumer liaison
      7. 3.2.7 Key RAS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Key IFRS metrics
      9. 3.2.9 Tariff Policy
      10. 3.2.10 Investments
      11. 3.2.11 Innovations
      12. 3.2.12 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program

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3.2.5 Additional (non-tariff) services

In 2021, to promote additional (non-tariff) services the Company:

In 2021, the Company also initiated the following activities (to be completed in 2022):

a) CAWconstruction and assembly works consortium agreement;

b) Concession agreements;

c) Promotion of Energoservice product line;

d) Rosseti Urals supermarket;

e) Installation, connection, maintenance and repair of solar stations for individuals and corporates;

f) Creation of CAWconstruction and assembly works integrator;

g) DSW consortium agreement.

During the reported period OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals sold 15.0+ thousand additional (non-tariff) services amounting to RUBruble 609,662 thousand.

Financial metrics:

Metrics MU 2019 2020 2021 2021/2020, %
Revenues RUBruble million 370 434 609.6 40%
Rental lease and arrangements RUBruble million 244 252 295 17%
Maintenance and repairs RUBruble million 24 79 62.5 -21%
Construction and assembly works RUBruble million 9 43 172.6 301%
Consulting and technical services RUBruble million 17 30 51 70%
Agency services RUBruble million 0 0 1.3 -
ITinformation technologies and telecommunications RUBruble million 0 1,2 3.7 208%
Other operating services RUBruble million 73 26,1 19.6 -25%
Other services RUBruble million 3.6 1,8 3.1 72%
Net profit RUBruble million 105 116 152.6 31%
Rental lease and arrangements RUBruble million 91 82 93.5 14%
Maintenance and repairs RUBruble million 5.5 13 18 38%
Construction and assembly works RUBruble million 1 5 18 260%
Consulting and technical services RUBruble million -15 9 15.5 72%
Agency services RUBruble million 0 0 0.9 -
ITinformation technologies and telecommunications RUBruble million 0 0.96 1.9 97%
Other operating services RUBruble million 23 7 6.3 -10%
Other services RUBruble million -0.131 -1.7 -1.8 -6%

The following lines of business showed the highest revenue gains:

a. Connection-related works within the applicant’s responsibility (“turn-key connection” package) (+424% YoYyear on year due to its active promotion).

b. Construction and assembly works, reconstruction and retrofitting of consumers’ grid facilities (+97% YoYyear on year).

а.  Energy audit, development and implementation of activities related to energy saving and enhancement of energy efficiency (+21,130%YoYyear on year due to technical audit conducted for OOOLimited Liability Company AS Invest).

The following additional services were put as promising for development in 2022:

Rental lease and arrangements
1 Arrangement of street lighting
2 Arrangement of telecom equipment
Maintenance and repairs
3 Maintenance of grid facilities owned by a consumer
4 Maintenance of street lighting
5 Maintenance and repairs of grid facilities owned by a consumer
6 Maintenance and repairs of street lighting
7 Test run and diagnostics of equipment, personal protective gear, devices
8 Other services related to maintenance and repairs, test runs and diagnostics
Design and survey, construction and assembly works
9 Construction and assembly works related to street lighting (“arrangement of street lighting” package)
10 Connection-related works within the applicant’s responsibility (“turn-key connection” package)
11 Design and survey works for construction, reconstruction and retrofitting of consumer’s grid facilities
12 Construction and assembly works, reconstruction and retrofitting of consumer’s grid facilities
13 Roll-out of metering (installation/replacement, repair of meters, installation of electric power fiscal metering system, etc.)
Consulting and technical services
14 Energy audit, preparation and implementation of activities related to energy saving and enhanced energy efficiency
15 Consulting (energy-related consultant, etc.)

Financial and economic targets related to sales of additional (non-tariff) services for 2022-2026:

2020 Actual 2021 Actual Targets
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Revenues, RUBruble million 434 610 957 1,229 1,532 2,003 3,461
Net profit, RUBruble million 116 153 128 148 169 208 321