1. 3.3.1 Personnel Management
      2. 3.3.2 Environment Protection
      3. 3.3.3 Management systems
      4. 3.3.4 Procurements
      5. 3.3.5 Anti-corruption Policy and Enforcement of Economic Security of Operations
      6. 3.3.6 Disclosures
      7. 3.3.7 Development of territories
      8. 3.3.8 Stakeholder Liaison

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3.3.6 Disclosures

The Company consistently implements its information policy in line with the Rosseti’s Single Communication Policy. Promotion of Rosseti Urals’ business reputation is a key component of the Company’s strategic management. The Company’s information policy rests on principles of efficient response, trustworthiness, fullness, accessibility, timeliness and thoroughness. Important aspects of Company’s management performance are traditionally initiation and maintenance of efficient communications with business, professional, expert and scientific communities; state or municipal authorities, public organizations, veteran and youth movements as well as Company’s employees. The primary PRpublic relations direction, as before, focuses on collaboration with mass media to shape Company’s positive business reputation, to enhance Company’s informational influence, to promote its interests in the external environment.

In 2021, mass media published over 10,800 articles on the Company and its operations. Positive and neutral mentions reached 99%, with average citing index totaling 23.18. A high portion of releases, initiated by the PRpublic relations department, shows that the Company controls practically all information flows on its operations and explains low portion of negative releases. Major topics of releases issued by mass media about the Company in 2021 were execution of investment program, preparation for maximum load period, operations during severe weather conditions, quick restoration of energy supply after incidents and consolidation of the grid assets. A high percentage of releases covered Company’s progress in deployment state-of-the-art technologies in the Urals grid sector.

It should be noted that in 2021, as before, reputation risk that may result from poor interaction with mass media and wrong positioning of the Company in external information sphere has not occurred. The Company controls information flows on its operations.

The Company regularly discloses information as an issuer and a player of wholesale and retail electricity market as well as in compliance with other mandatory legal requirements on its official web-site. Information is disclosed at Section “Information Disclosure” and official web-sites stipulated by the law (Gosuslugi web portal, website of the Ministry of Energy, etc.).

It should be noted that in 2021 we launched a new web-site at new domain name:, adapting it for mobile devices and reformatting customer-related sections. Thus, Rosseti Ural continued its trends regarding development of customer-oriented approach in CRMclient relations management and adapted Internet communications for easy use by target audiences.

As a part of the single communication policy of the Rosseti Group, the Company also has a strong presence in the social networks, in which it interacts with various segments of the target audience. The annual growth of the subscriber base is approx. 13%. Vkontakte is the most popular platform. The average outreach of releases with good organic coverage (without additional promotion) is 37,000 people, outreach on key releases with paid promotion amounting to 280,000 people. As for the feedback, the official NM accounts of the Company provided over 4,100 responses for consumers’ posts and comments. In 2021, the Company commenced its project on preparation of training video clips for customers explaining complex production processes and giving useful instructions on tariffs and connection. The content became very popular among subscribers.

To arrange communications with external young audience Rosseti Ural launched its corporate “What’s the wire’s buzz about?” podcast, explaining the specificity of the energy profession and interesting topics, promoting and enhancing the value of work in the energy industry and Company.

Summing up, it should be noted that the Company continues to form communication environment, benevolent for business development, with the help of various tools and channels to increase its information influence and to promote its interests in external environment.