1. 3.2.1 Network Exploitation and Grid Asset Consolidation
      2. 3.2.2 Development of the Grid Complex
      3. 3.2.3 Connection
      4. 3.2.4 Electricity Transmission
      5. 3.2.5 Additional (non-tariff) services
      6. 3.2.6 Consumer liaison
      7. 3.2.7 Key RAS metrics
      8. 3.2.8 Key IFRS metrics
      9. 3.2.9 Tariff Policy
      10. 3.2.10 Investments
      11. 3.2.11 Innovations
      12. 3.2.12 Progress of the Digital Transformation Program

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3.2.10 Investments

Investing parameters

The OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ investment program for 2021 was adopted by the Ministry of Energy Decree[29].

The Company’s 2019-2021 cost and physical parameters as presented in the table:

2019 2020 2021 2021/2020 %
Funding, RUBruble million plus VATvalue-added tax 8,226 9,991 13,481 40%
Capex, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 7,599 11,568 12,144 31%
New fixed assets, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 7,492 10,942 11,342 22%
Commissioning of transformer capacity, MVAmega voltampere 457 459 319 -21%
Commissioning of power lines, kmkilometer 2,896 2,563 1,812 -12%

Implementation of the investment program includes handling of the following problems:

Investment funding structure in 2019-2021:

2019 2020 2021 2021/2020, %
Total: 9,991 9,633 13,481 40%
Connection 5,220 5,440 6,667 23%
Reconstruction, upgrade and retrofitting 2,943 2,690 5,080 89%
Investment projects, implemented under energy sector perspective development schemes and programs 395 66 321 386%
Other greenfield construction of energy facilities 163 59 75 27%
Purchase of land plots for investment projects 1 0 0 0%
Other investment projects 1,269 1,377 1,339 -3%

The bulk of the 2021 funding (49.5%) was channeled to connection. Investments spent on reconstruction, upgrade and retrofitting totaled 37.7%. Greenfield construction has the smallest share in the structure (0.6%). A 9.9% share of the total funding was spent on other investment projects (ready-to-operate devices, ITinformation technologies projects, etc.), Funding of the investment projects, implemented under the energy sector perspective development schemes and programs totaled 2.4%. As for the sources of financing, the Company’s internal funds contributed the most to the total funding (87% or RUBruble 11,723 million). Raised funds totaled 13% or RUBruble 1,758 million. We have no state-funded projects.

Outcomes of the activities enlisted in the 2021 investment program.

— transformer substation load targets are 100% completed;

— evaluation of changes in the share of net supply, measured by meters integrated into the data collection and transmission system:


Investment project ID code Actual values
Installation of meters, voltage class 0.2(0.4) kVkilovolt, in compliance with Federal Law[30], after breakdown of a consumer’s meter (2020 – 2025), 3,432 devices I_PE856 0.005
Installation of meters, voltage class 0.22(0.4) kVkilovolt, in compliance with Federal Law[30] after the expiry of calibration period or service life or if a consumer lacks a meter (Perm region, 2020-2025), 72,802 devices I_PE857 0.033
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department OES, ChaES) (10,116 devices) K_PE2485 0.228
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department TsES, SES, ChuES) (12,183 devices) K_PE2486 0.279
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department BES, KuES, TsES) (9,450 devices) K_PE2487 0.218
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department TsES) (9,909 devices) K_PE2488 0.231
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department PGES, TsES) (9,464 devices) K_PE2489 0.228
Roll-out of remote metering systems (PDproduction department SES, TsES, TES of Sverdlovenergo branch) from non-tariff funding (17,584 devices) K_SE2638 0.003
Installation of meters, voltage class 0.22(0.4) kVkilovolt, in compliance with Federal Law [30] after breakdown of a consumer’s meter (2020-2025), 6,415 devices H_ChE1382 0.030
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department ChGES, 2021) (11,190 devices) K_ChE2567 0.310
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department TsES, 2021) (15,227 devices) K_ChE3043 0.400
Roll-out of metering systems on the retail electricity market (0.4 кВ). Upgrade/build-up of MISmetering information system from non-tariff funding (PDproduction department TES, 2021) (5,303 devices) K_ChE3047 0.279

— Level of SAIDISystem Average Interruption Duration Index completion: 104%;

— Level of SAIFISystem Average Interruption Frequency Index completion: 108%;

— total connection liabilities executed under the investment program reached 27,918 connections;

— maximum capacity of connected consumers, generating facilities, grid facilities owned by other grid companies or persons totaled 555.47 MWmegawatt.

The largest investment programs completed in 2021:

Region Title of the investment program Goals Commissioning in 2021
Perm region Reconstruction of 110 kVkilovolt power line “Gornaya – Metanol” (circuit I), “Kizelovskaya GRES-3 – Gornaya” (circuit II) (Stage 2) (8.423 kmkilometer) Enhancement of reliability of electricity supply to facilities of PAOPublic Joint-Stock Company Metafraks and reduction of operating costs RUBruble 61.16 million
Upgrade of 10 kVkilovolt networks from 110/35/10 kVkilovolt “Vasilyevskaya” substation, installation of 33 reclosers, dismounting of RP-2 Rusaki and RP-5 Moskvino (33 pcs.) Upgrade of electric network, reduction of consequences of equipment failures, increase of technical status index RUBruble 67.75 million
Chelyabinsk region Upgrade of networks of the Sosnovsky District (installation of reclosers) (Stages 3,4), 52 pcs. Connection of OOOLimited Liability Company Krasnoturinsk – Polymetall to grid facilities of Sverdlovenergo branch RUBruble 72.69 million
Upgrade of IATSinformation acquisition and transmission system on 110 kVkilovolt “Komsomolskaya”, “Kurortnaya”, “Filimonovo”, “Gorkovskaya”, “Klyuchevskaya”, “Spasskaya”, “Solnechnaya Dolina”, “Stroitelnaya” substations (8 pcs) Enhancement of reliability of electricity supply, reduction in expenses for repair and maintenance, replacement of dangerous equipment RUBruble 117.79 million
Sverdlovsk region Construction of 110/10 kVkilovolt “Polymetall” substations, branch lines from 110 kVkilovolt “Vorontsovsky GOK - Serov” power line, to “Ptitsefabrika” substation, 110 kVkilovolt “Vorontskovsky GOK - Krasnoturinsk” power line with branch lines (20 MVAmega voltampere, 2.2 kmkilometer) Enhancement of dispatching and automation level of 10 kVkilovolt networks RUBruble 269.17 million
Reconstruction of 10 kVkilovolt “Sinegorsk - Serebryanka” power line, installation of reclosers (52.526 kmkilometer; 3 pcs) Enhancement of observability and manageability of a 110 kVkilovolt substation in Chelyabenergo RUBruble 70.68 million

The OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals’ investment program for 2021-2025 was adopted by the Ministry of Energy Decree[29].

The Company’s 2021-2025 cost and physical parameters as presented in the table:

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Funding, RUBruble million plus VATvalue-added tax 11,520 10,555 9,245 8,506 9,751
Capex, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 11,147 7,660 6,480 6,295 6,623
New fixed assets, RUBruble million net of VATvalue-added tax 10,753 7,567 6,227 7,884 6,598
Commissioning of transformer capacity, MVAmega voltampere 266 267 352 281 227
Commissioning of power lines, kmkilometer 1,535 1,114 984 931 1,010

The Company’s investment program for 2021-2025 stipulates RUBruble 49,577 million (incl. VATvalue-added tax) funding, RUBruble 38,205 million (net of VATvalue-added tax) capex, RUBruble 39,029 million (net of VATvalue-added tax) new fixed assets, commissioning of 1,393 MVAmega voltampere transformer capacity and 5,575 kmkilometer power lines. The Company’s 2021-2022 investment program is prepared with due allowances to regional development plans, equipment health, importance of grid facilities and current domestic environment.