1. 2.1 Company’s profile, business footprint and structure
    2. 2.2 Business model
    3. 2.3 Key figures, achievements
    4. 2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

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2.4 Key events of the year and post-reporting events

Key 2021 events:

  • Rosseti Ural has connected the first 2023 World University Games facility
  • Upgraded Network Control Center was put into operation in our Sverdlovenergo branch
  • The Company has presented its FY2020financial year 2020 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 76.1 billion (revenues), RUBruble 19.3 million (net income)
  • The Company has presented its FY2020financial year 2020 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 88.6 billion (revenues), RUBruble 0.62 billion (profit for the period)
  • Expert RA rating agency has confirmed the Company’s domestic ruAA credit rating (Stable outlook)
  • The Company has presented its 3M2021 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 22.2 billion (revenues), RUBruble 1.03 billion (net income)
  • Chelyabenergo’s specialists connected 3 first-aid stations in Kizil District
  • 1st stage of remote control systems installation (110/10 kVkilovolt Kasli substation) was completed in our Chelyabenergo branch
  • The revamping of 110/10 kVkilovolt Polovinnaya substation was completed in our Sverdlovenergo branch
  • The Company has presented its 3M2021 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 25.9 billion (revenues), RUBruble 1.4 billion (profit for the period)
  • Annual General Meeting of Stockholders
  • Rosseti Ural presented its best practices in deployment of automated data transmission systems at the 2021 Russian Week of High Technologies Forum
  • The Company has presented its 6M2021 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 41.0 billion (revenues), RUBruble 4.0 billion (net income)
  • Sverdlovenergo’s specialists enhanced the reliability of PS 110/10 kVkilovolt Cheremkhovo substation
  • The Company has presented its 6M2021 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 47.7 billion (revenues), RUBruble 4.1 billion (profit for the period)
  • The Governor of the Chelyabinsk region Aleksey Teksler had a meeting with the Company’s General Director Vladimir Bolotin
  • The Company has presented its 9M2021 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 60.1 billion (revenues), RUBruble 5.3 billion (net income)
  • Rosseti Ural’s specialists started to exploit the grid facilities of Ozersk Urban District
  • The Company has presented its 9M2021 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 70.1 billion (revenues), RUBruble 5.4 billion (profit for the period)
  • Sverdlovenergo’s specialists launched IATSinformation acquisition and transmission system at 110/10 kVkilovolt “Dvinka” and “Verkhovino” substations (Tugulym District)

Post-reporting events:

  • Permenergo branch has acquired a new mobile electric laboratory
  • General Director Vladimir Bolotin and Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk region Sergey Perestoronin has discussed prospective cooperation in network development
  • The Company has presented its FY2021financial year 2021 RASRussian Accounting Statements results: RUBruble 82.7 billion (revenues), RUBruble 5.2 billion (net income)
  • The Company has presented its FY2021financial year 2021 IFRSInternational Financial Reporting Standards results: RUBruble 96.5 billion (revenues), RUBruble 3.8 billion (profit for the period)