1. 1.1 Statement by the Chairman of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Board of Directors
    2. 1.2 Statement by the Chair of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Executive Board

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1.2 Statement by the Chair of the OAO IDGC of Urals’ Executive Board

V.A. Bolotin

General Director, Chair of the Executive Board Of OAOOpen Joint-Stock Company IDGCInterregional Distribution Grid Company of Urals


Dear shareholders, investors and partners,


The past year heralded a range of victories and production achievements. High professionalism of employees helped accomplish large-scale repair, exploitation and investment programs and discharge all liabilities related to connection of new customers, enhancing efficiency of customer services.

During the reported period the Company has achieved all QoSquality of service targets, approved by the state regulators. Every year the Company consults over 530 thousand customers, receiving high evaluations of feedback quality.

Demand for connection remains high: in 2021, the Company received over 49 thousand applications for connection and connected over 30 thousand new customers to the network. We talk about individuals, social and industrial facilities located in the service area. This is a clear evidence that the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Perm regions demonstrate sustainable economic growth and Rosseti Ural fully satisfies the regional demand.

The industrial complex of the Urals region is one of the country’s most heavy-duty ones. This is a territory with high growth rates of social sphere and business, sustainable production structure and high population density. In this context, development of the grids and reliability of energy facilities remain strategically important for Rosseti Ural.

The core value of the grid company is a solid team of professionals, brought together under 2 key principles: continuation of best traditions of the energy sector and modern technological business standards.

A new macroeconomic reality poses challenges for the Company, but it can be confidently stated that the Company shall achieve all the targets and continue to maintain and develop traditions, based on such principles as care for people, responsibility, unity and high efficiency in goal achievement.

Experience we gained during coronavirus pandemic strengthened our commitment and increased attention to strategic planning, productive cooperation of management bodies and employees, risk management, implementation of modern technologies and socially responsible business. This will help us adapt to changing conditions and respond to new challenges with non-standard breakthrough solutions.



Kind regards,

General Director,

Chair of the Executive Board

V.A. Bolotin