1. 5.1 Corporate Governance Compliance Report
    2. 5.2 Information on major transactions and related-party transactions
    3. 5.3 The list of core indicators regarding size and composition of employees, youth development
    4. 5.4 Company’s interest in other companies during 2021
    5. 5.5 Membership in non-commercial organizations during 2021
    6. 5.6 Sale of non-core assets in 2021
    7. 5.7 References
    8. 5.8 Abbreviations and Acronyms

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5.3 The list of core indicators regarding size and composition of employees, youth development


Meas.unit 2019 2020 2021 2021/2020, %
Size and composition of employees
Average headcount pers. 15,775.4 15,537.2 15,193.7
Average headcount in branches %
HQheadquarters % 2.8 3.0 2.9 -3.3
Sverdlovenergo % 34.2 34.0 33.1 -2.6
Permenergo % 30.7 31.2 31.7 1.6
Chelyabenergo % 32.3 31.8 32.2 1.3
Staffing level % 97.2 97.5 97.0 -0.5
Production staffing level % 97.2 97.5 97.0 -0.5
Active staff turnover % 5.3 4.0 6.3 -24.5
Gender composition %
women % 25.3 25.3 25.0 0.0
men % 74.7 74.7 75.0 0.0
Gender composition of directors %
women % 14.2 14.0 14.0 -1.4
men % 85.8 86.0 86.0 0.2
Gender composition of clerks %
women % 53.4 53.6 54.6 0.4
men % 46.6 46.4 45.4 -0.4
Gender composition of workers %
women % 7.5 7.1 4.9 -5.3
men % 92.5 92.9 95.1 0.4
Average age of employees years 42 45 43 7.1
Age structure of employees: %
0-35 yo % 29.4 27.8 26.0 -5.4
35-50 yo % 45.6 47.0 47.9 3.1
50+ yo % 25.0 25.2 26.1 0.8
Employees’ education background: %
Secondary general education % 12.5 12.0 11.4 -4.0
Secondary professional education % 43.3 43.2 42.9 -0.2
Higher education % 44.2 44.8 45.7 1.4
Employees with degree pers. 13.0 13.0 12.0 0.0
Average wage RUBruble. 54,944.9 58,271.9 57,354.8 -1.6
Size of labor pools pers. 929.0 819.0 864.0 5.5
Portion of superior positions backed by labor pools % 71.7 76.5 79.6 4.1
Portion of succession candidates assigned to target positions during the report period % 11.0 10.0 15.3 53.0
Portion of superior positions staffed by internal candidates, incl. succession candidates % 65.0 84.0 86.0 2.4
Total number of personnel hired during the reported period thous. 3.3 1.6 1.6 2.7
Men’s average wage / Women’s average wage 1.05 1.09 1.07 -1.9
Employees who underwent off-the-job training pers. 10,783 9,666 10,438 772
% of average headcount % 68.4 62.2 68.7 10.5
Incl. employees who underwent training at own educational facilities % 52.2 49.0 53.0 8.2
Incl. production personnel % 50.5 48.0 51.0 6.3
Employees who underwent off-the-job training by categories %
Directors % 32.7 33.8 34.7 2.7
Specialists and clerks % 19.8 16.3 17.7 8.6
Workers % 47.5 49.9 47.6 -4.6
Number of corporate online-training courses pcs 0.0 20.0 38.0 90.0
Average hours of study per one employee Pers./hour 38.5 37.8 46.0 21.7
Employees who underwent evaluation pers. 2,784.0 2,116.0 1,077.0 -49.1
% of average headcount % 18.0 14.0 7.0 -50.0
Incl. under evaluation of competence procedures when transferred to a new position, selection to a labor pool; (pers.) 207.0 86.0 402.0 367.4
Incl.: under independent evaluation of qualification procedures (at CSC) (pers.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Employees who underwent knowledge control (pers.) 14,073.0 13,603.0 13,667.0 0.5
Youth Policy
Number of high schoolers participating in Rosseti Group’s career guidance projects Pers. 163 111 102 -8.1
Number of partner colleges and universities in the Company’s service area Pcs 9 9 9 0.0
Number of students studying Company-sponsored educational programs Pers. 139 47 147 212.8
Number of students who did an internship at the Company Pers. 919 167 414 147.9
Number of young specialists who participated in corporate, regional or federal contests, forums, conferences Pers. 26 32 23 -28.1